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Podcast: Be Brave at Work
Listen to Jayme Purinton's interview with podcast host Ed Evarts about what it means to Be Brave at Work.

Podcast: Want to Improve Performance, Take a Break!
Check out this Legal Talk Network interview with Jayme Purinton, Executive Coach and Principal Consultant at Blue Sky OD Consulting and...

360 Feedback is Important, Right Executives?
Most executives get to where they are because they understand the work, they are business-minded, and they know how to play the game. The...

Why Care about the Workforce?
What motivates the workforce? A few years ago a book called The 2020 Workplace (Meister & Willyerd, 2010) delved deep into the ways a...

Understanding your Organization to Increase Productivity
Asking employees to work additional hours in the evening will not make them more productive - it will simply increase burnout. A good...

Retention of High Performers is easier than you think
While it may be daunting to think about how to effectively retain your top employees, it's a lot harder to watch them leave. If we break...

Transitions Need Objectivity
Many executives and managers in a leadership role think their job is to manage teams, work, and the organization through a transition....

Pull Activities Show Real Leadership
I want to share this great article tweeted by MOR Associates (October 2013). The article draws attention to what it means to be an...

Career Development Humor
Thank you Harvard Business Review for this: Strategic Humor: Cartoons from the November 2013 Issue - @HarvardBiz...

Workforce Flexibility: An imperative for today's business (video link from Ernst and Young)
If you are questioning whether or not you are getting the most of your employees, you should consider your organization's support of...

Your business will fail without a Strategic Plan
Would you walk onto the battle field without knowing who your enemies are? Would you walk across a New York City Street without looking...
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